DawnLucas.com for Business
Home Page

Dawn Lucas, http://dawnlucas.com ,has been successfully owning and running several businesses throughout the State of Florida for the past seventeen years.  This website shows her remarkable success and ability to diversify her Company.

Email Dawn 

Her Companies provide Marketing Expertise and  Website Design to the sites on this page, plus:   www.carinsuranceworld.com ;  www.bonkerz.net ;   www.theusashoppingmall.com ; www.teachinsurance.com ; www.webinsuranceschool.com ; viewinc.net ; www.nationalsafedriver.com ; www.sanfordinsuranceworld.com and 10 other Insurance World sites; and many more in process. 

Dawn's newest businesses are:   www.HollyWorldRecords.com ;  http://stevenlucas.com/ ; www.NotaryCourseOnline.com , www.OfficialFlCorporation.com , www.MyDrivingRecord.net , www.BoatSafely.net  , www.esuranceworld.com and  www.215InsuranceCourseOnline.com .

Dawn is the Owner of one of Florida's Best Traffic Schools:

 Bonkerz Traffic School @ bonkerz.net

Our Newest Coverage Protects Your Identity...

   Identity Theft Insurance you can Trust !


Email Dawn @  dawnbonkerz@aol.com

Hollyworld Records ... making music count today...  A Recording Studio, an Advertising Agency, and a Business Marketing and Development Firm for all your Business needs. Marketing and Developing all of the Companies on this website and more @   www.HollyWorldRecords.com
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